Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Toxin Alert by Tyler Anne Snell Book Review

Oh man! I really wish I would have reviewed this book when it came out. I read it a while ago and wanted to write a review right away...but time sort of got away from me. So, I am really into this series because it’s set in Michigan. This book is part of the Tactical Crime Division: Traverse City series (how fun!!!) and they are deployed to different parts of the state. This particular book also follows Carly and Noah’s budding relationship. Carly is actually Dr. Carly Welsh, a biological weapons expert. Noah Miller is a former Amish community member who decided to leave, but he still stayed close by in town. He is shunned and his family has disowned him. The setting is in an Amish community named Potter’s Creek. I’m not sure if the town is fictional or not, but there is a Potter’s Creek near Midland, Michigan. So I like to think is real ;) 

Cows and people are getting sick in Potter’s Creek and the soil seems to be poisoned on a large scale. It’s so big that the TCD is called in because it could be biological terrorism. The Amish community does not trust outsiders, but they sort of do trust Noah. He agrees to be the liaison between the TCD team and the Amish farmers. Part of the difficulty of this story is the unwillingness of the community to talk to the FBI. However, after being attacked with anthrax, everyone knows that the mystery must be solved. Noah really is valuable to the team in helping them solve the crime. 

The suspense really hits the storyline as Carly and Noah are realizing their feelings for each other. The focus stays on the mystery, but I am a big fan of crime solving with a dash of romance. As they started closing in on the criminal, I could NOT put the book down. I love how the team supports each other in this series and I acknowledge that I love it even more that it takes place in Michigan. It might be a big dark for a beach read escape -- but grab a glass of wine and indulge in this exciting story on a rainy day. It’ll be perfect.

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