Friday, September 6, 2024

Given Our History by Kristyn J. Miller book review

Assistant professor Clara Fernsby is determined and focused on her dream of teaching history. Since the age of fourteen, she has pursued this goal relentlessly, overcoming all obstacles, including a significant relationship from her past. Her hard work pays off when she secures a full time teaching position at a university right after graduating, and she is now up for tenure. 

However, everything changes when Theodore "Teddy" Harrison arrives as a visiting scholar for the fall semester. Teddy is a reminder of Clara's past, as they haven’t spoken since a falling out a decade ago. Their shared history at a sleepaway camp in the Blue Ridge Mountains resurfaces, where they exchanged books and music and fell in love as teenagers. At this point, they don’t really know each other anymore. 

As they collaborate on a project and share drinks at a college bar, Clara finds herself falling for Teddy once more. Aware of their complicated history, she grapples with the possibility that he may not be interested. Yet, both heart and history have their own interpretations, and Clara is determined not to repeat the past. This novel's dual timelines juxtapose Clara and Teddy's early friendship with their present-day interactions. Readers witness their growth from childhood friends to strangers, and perhaps back to something more. I wanted to jump in and help them with their communication skills! 

The characters of Clara and Teddy are compelling and relatable, making the reader root for their romance. The pacing is well-executed, and the emotional depth of their relationship adds to the overall charm of the narrative. The backdrop of academia and the transition from summer to fall amplify the cozy, romantic atmosphere. "Given Our History" is an engaging, heartwarming read that fans of second chance romances will adore. It's a perfect book for fall, and I recommend it for anyone looking for a light, enjoyable escape.

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