Tuesday, August 27, 2024

My Inconvenient Duke by Loretta Chase book review

My Inconvenient Duke wraps up the Difficult Dukes series with a captivating story that centers on Lady Alice Ancaster and Giles, the Duke of Blackwood. Having known each other for 15 years, their relationship is filled with a mixture of deep-seated affection and tension, creating a slow-burn romance that I thoroughly enjoyed. 

Alice, determined to protect herself from her brother Hugh's reckless behavior and his friends' notorious antics, sets out to find a suitable husband. Blackwood, who secretly harbors feelings for Alice, decides to intervene, leading to a series of adventures that redefine their relationship. Their chemistry is palpable, and the way they navigate their past regrets while forging a future together is well written. 

Chase's writing style shines through, with witty dialogue and well-rounded characters that kept me engaged from start to finish. The tension between Alice and Blackwood simmers as they confront their feelings amidst the chaos of their lives. The exploration of their relationship, not just leading up to marriage but beyond, is frustrating - but fun and engaging because the author added a lot of drama. Their journey toward understanding and supporting each other makes for a satisfying read. What sets this story apart is Chase's decision to use multiple points of view. This technique adds depth and complexity, allowing readers to connect with not just Alice and Blackwood, but also the motivations of the antagonist. The insights we gain from other characters enhance our understanding of the protagonists' struggles and desires, making their eventual union all the more meaningful. 

My Inconvenient Duke is a tale of love, adventure, and personal growth that defies societal expectations. With this book, Chase proves once again that she knows how to weave a story that is both heartwarming and thrilling. I highly recommend this book to fans of historical romance.  Thanks to NetGalley and Avon books for an ARC of this book.  The publication date is set for January 21, 2025.

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